It is day two of the giveaway and I am so excited! Almost as excited as when I get to eat birthday cake! :)
Thank your for partying with me!
The first giveaway for today is from another one of my favorite boutiques in town, Dotsy's! I seriously love everything in this store and would take one of everything! Styling and clothing plays a big role in how photos turn out! So, if you are needing a cute outfit for some upcoming photos, Dotsy's has donated a $50 gift card! HOW FUN!!
The second giveaway is from Melissa Tivis, Rodan and Fields consultant. Check out her website for ALL of your skincare needs. Melissa also happens to be my sweet mom!! She is beautiful (inside and out) and she is all about skin care! Rodan and Fields has some great product lines to get your skin picture perfect. She has donated Rodan & Fields swag bag with a value of $60! You will LOVE these products!
To enter the giveaways for day 2:
1. like Dotsy's facebook page
2. Share and like the facebook post
3. Comment on the post with your FAVORITE party dessert: CUPCAKES, COOKIES, ICE CREAM OR CAKE?!?
Good luck!