Heather Ladd Photography is celebrating THREE years! Three years of photographing families, children, babies, pregnant mommas, couples, seniors and brides and grooms! It has been so fun! I am still learning and growing but I am so thankful that my husband lovingly nudged me to jump in and chase my dreams and that I am able to call this love I have for photography a business three years later! I am also so thankful for the people who trusted me to capture their most precious moments. Mostly though, I am thankful that God cares about my heart, my desires and my dreams and I give Him the glory for the blessing that this business has been! So, to celebrate three years and the NEW blog, I am going to host a "blog party!" What is a blog party, you ask?? Well, it is three days of give aways here on the blog! Some of my favorite businesses (owned and operated by some pretty awesome chicas) graciously donated some wonderful things and I donated a few things of my own. Lets get this party started!!!

Here are the "Blog Party Favors!" (AKA the LOOT ... The FREE Stuff!! )
Beautiful Organic Bloom Frame from Kathy Speck
12x12 Personalized board from Initial Creations
10 qt Personalized bucket from Love Like Crazy Designs
A $40 gift certificate from Sweet Treats
An adorable crocheted owl from Plumpies by Sarah Clark
A free 16x20 Print Credit with Heather Ladd Photography
A $50 Gift Certificate from Heather Ladd Photography
$25 I Tunes Gift Card
$25 Gift Card to Old Navy
A Free Beach Portrait Session at the Sandy Beach at Lake Greenbelt from Heather Ladd Photography ($165 Value)
Ok, so how do you win the loot??
1. Find my Heather Ladd Photography Facebook page and "like" the page (If you have already liked the page, then you are good to go!)
2. Check THIS blog and/or the facebook page for the next three days (starting Jan 20 through Jan 22) I will post when each "party favor" is up for grabs!
3. Leave a comment on the blog post for each party favor - this will enter you for one chance to win - if you want another chance to win, see #4
4. Talk about this blog or Heather Ladd Photography or the blog party on your own Facebook page - tag me or write on my facebook wall when you put up your post, that will be another chance to win
I will use random.org daily to choose a winner for each party favor! Fun, right?
Thanks for coming to the party and check out more on each of the awesome party favors!!
Organic Bloom - OH MY HEART BE STILL, I love, love, love these frames. My friend Kathy Speck sells them, she is also a wonderful photographer in Dumas, TX.
Check out the frames www.facebook.com/TheOrganicBloom

My sweet friend Rebeccan Wann and her mother, Kay White, have two amazing businesses! Love Like Crazy Designs and Initial Creations! You can get anything and everything personalized or monogrammed. From onesies to decorative boards to letters for your kiddos rooms. Check out more at www.initialcreationswithlove.com
Love Like Crazy Designs - such cute stuff!!! Love like Crazy donated a persoanlized 10 qt bucket, just in time for Valentines day or Easter!

and then Initial Creations donated a 12x12 Personalized board! I LOVE this!

And the ever so talented Sarah Clark, the famed creator of adoarable Plumpies AND the awesome Miss Money Bags Wallet, donated an adorable Plumpie Owl. (I personally LOVE Owls and LOVE anything Sarah makes!!) Check out her etsy shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/plumpies?section_id=10843469

Also, we had to have cake at a party right?? Amanda Durst, owner of Sweet Treats donated a $40 Gift Certificate
Ok, and I cant really say my TRUE feelings about Amanda's sweet treats or you might think I am a LITTLE crazy - but to say I am obsessed is an understatement. I am pretty sure I owe atleast 5lbs of my total weight to her because I CANNOT STOP EATING HER CAKE when it is around. She has made all of my kiddos birthday cakes over the last year and they have been nothing short of AMAZING AND DELICIOUS! Check her adorable delicious treats out at http://www.facebook.com/sweettreats#!/AmandasSweetTreats
Ok, and then the I tunes gift card and Old Navy Gift Card I donated because I think if you listen to some good tunes on the way to your photo shoot and have on some new duds for your photo shoot it will just go smoother! Also, the $50 gift Certificate and the 16x20 print credit will help you fill your walls with pictures of your babes or your family. Finally the grand prize is the free Beach Session this summer. I love the sandy beach because it ALMOST seems like your at the beach and it makes for some great photographs. Check out some of last summer's sessions! http://heatherladdphotography.com/html_gallery.cfm?menu_itemID=238547&load=html
Thanks again to the awesome businesses who donated! You guys rock! OK - check back tomorrow, Jan 20 - that's when were gonna party like its 1999! :)